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  • Buy Stories of Glory - an Orality Journey Through the Bible Paperback/ebook - Jackie Towns
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    Living the Story by Jackie Towns

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    Stories of Glory: Living the Story is a guided spiritual journey through the Scripture, focusing on God’s redemptive plan. You enter in each day to communion with God journaling as you engage with the passage of the Bible. It’s a 40-Day washing in the Word as you meditate on the Scripture, ponder the questions, and reflect on where you are on your own faith journey.

    The journal is an abridged version of Stories of Glory: An Orality Journey Through the Bible. They can be used together in a Bible Study. The book could be for the group study and the little journal for personal reflection. The book has 50 biblical stories, whereas the journal only 40, but they both trace God’s redemption plan for mankind found in the Bible. 

  • Want Me To Speak At Your Event - Jackie Towns - Stories Of Glory
    Public Speaker

    Speak At Your Event

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  • Stories of Glory- Living in the Light Kindle Edition

    Stories of Glory: Living in the Light

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    Stories of Glory: Living in the Light is a forty-day saturation of Scripture designed to help you focus on your faith journey as you live and grow in and through Jesus Christ. Each day, you will be stretched to look within by pondering questions and evaluating your actions and attitudes toward life circumstances and the challenges therein. During the study, take time to think, reason, and question your thoughts and responses to the situations you face. Seek wisdom as you meditate on the suggested passages from the Word of God and commit to demonstrate your beliefs in a better life.

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