Jackie Towns

Jackie Towns Dedicated Biblical Educator with experience preparing and teaching theological education in a wide range of environments both locally and internationally. Motivated, energetic, and passionate about pastoral ministry and relationship building across cultures. Committed to developing enhanced biblical storytelling methods and supporting the development of pastoral students. Eager to connect and collaborate to expand the influence of world missions work.

The Faith Journey of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

We are all on a faith journey molded by the Master, Christ Jesus. So, let us ask ourselves, “how strong is our faith?” On several occasions, as Jesus was training up His disciples on their faith journey, their faith was …

The Faith Journey of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego Read More »

Jesus Christ – The Promised One Who Reigns Forever

How do you share your faith? What do you tell people? Paul reasoned with people “from the Scriptures, explaining and proving that the Messiah had to suffer and rise from the dead. [He told them] ‘This Jesus I am proclaiming …

Jesus Christ – The Promised One Who Reigns Forever Read More »

Christ Jesus – The Alpha and Omega, First and the Last, Beginning and the End

Do you thirst to drink from the spring of the water of life? Do you have the right to feast on the fruit from the tree of life? Do you know the only One in whom true grace and peace …

Christ Jesus – The Alpha and Omega, First and the Last, Beginning and the End Read More »

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